Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Look! I'm still here! For Realz.

Bam! And with that, I'm baaaaaaccckkkk!!!

So... yeah. I haven't done annnything on here in forevvvver. Life, it seems, has been busy.

I've been in a mad frenzy of realizing that I'm going to give birth to Baby Alexy #6 this month, and I had nothing ready. At all. Nadda. Zilch. Zero prep for any type of home birthing situation. I had to rectify that, for my own peace of mind.

The last two weeks have been me zooming around the house trying to get things cleaned (Hah! I still live with 5 kids under 10!), organized (Hah! Refer to the last parenthesized statement), and generally ready for the 'up in the airness' that occurs when you introduce a new being into the family. Last week was full force Freezer Cooking 101, our freezer is now stocked for Hubs once this kid arrives. This makes hearts happy.

Our bedroom has been magically transformed into our very own personal Birthing Suite. We have the space where the pool will go (the pool is not set up, again 5 kids and just add the dog for good measure...), the changing station is set up & stocked, The co-sleeper is set up, the rocker is out, I have all the required absorbency things, a hose and connector thingie for pool water filling-ness. And we are sleeping on the ever-so-wonderful plastic shower curtain under the sheets routine. So. Hot. and So. Crinkly.

So... yeah. Now I feel prepared for the Event. Now I can relax and let this thing play out and just ride it's natural course. Much better.

39weeks on Friday! We got this thing.

(selfie of me, telling the world I need to go wash my mirror... like now...)