Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Five Favorites Link Up

Five Favorites: Kids, Smells, Foods, & Thinks


K getting a new cast after braking her wrist in two places from falling out of a neighbor's treehouse. 

 D just looking awesome on his bed, just after getting his very own bed reading lamp.

 Jules sneaking (yet again) into Em's bed at night and falling asleep like this. Em (yet again) turning on her wall lamp and leaving us to go in there at night to turn in off...

Billy cleaning the boys vanity area for me. Cause he's a super sweetie like that.


Rainy days. On a cold, misty, rainy day I'm instantly teleported back to growing up in Holland (Military Brat ftw!). It's comforting, it's homey like... I really, really love the smell of rain. (New Baby Smell is a close second though.)



Bam. This bambino inside requires Franks on a (at the very least) weekly basis. I've eaten more buffalo whatever in the last 6 months to last more then a lifetime. This may be my husband's favorite pregnancy of all time, due to this one craving. 


Saint Raymond Nonnatus
patron saint of expectant mothers & midwives.

Maybe it's because bambino #4 was a frank breech, and bambino #5 was posterior, and now this bambino #6 has been sideways, oblique, and I've battled low platelets and crazy stupid headaches... but yeah, upon finding Saint Raymond he's been on my mind a lot. He's the first Saint I've really communicated with in my 5 years of being catholic. He's pretty cool, and really? Nonnatus means 'not born' because his mother died in childbirth and he was born by cesarean. His whole story is amazing, and I think about him a lot.
Oh yes, bambino #6 was head down & vertical at my last prenatal, and I don't expect to find anything different with our appointment tomorrow. 34 weeks and counting!!

Uh... I forgot to add a 5th. (thanks Cari - and yes, I'm going to blame you.)


A clean laundry room! This has happened once in the year and a half we've lived at this house. It was over a month ago... it does not look like this now... I wish it still looked like this...

Tada! Five Favorites! If you want to see more, add your own or just whatever go over to and enjoy picks of her new bambino and then read everyone else's link ups!!! Fun!



  1. found your blog via Moxie Wife :)

    It's funny that you mention St. Raymond Nonnatus, I just found out about him by watching the TV show "Call the Midwife" where the Anglican nuns belong to a midwife order (fictional, I think, but I'm not sure) named after St. Raymond Nonnatus. BTW it's a really good show--like James Herriot in the 50s with midwives instead of veterinarians, though considering its subject matter slightly raunchy at points--definitely not for kids. No sexy scenes though.

    Hope you and your baby stay healthy! I really like your blog's background--very cute and perfect for homeschoolers!

  2. Hey Maggie!
    I loooove Call the Midwife! Basically because I'm knee deep in all things home birth & midwifery. ;D It's a great show, but yeah I watch it after the kids go to bed. Those births are intense!! lol

    Thanks about my background, just an option from Blogger, I'm not all that tech-savvy... :):)

    1. Oh haha! I thought you might already watch it because St. Raymond isn't all that well-known, I think.

      Well, it's still cute! :D

    2. I actually found him by looking around for the right saint for my husband. lol
      In the info section for current events or whatever it mentioned the new tie-in for Call the Midwife. :):):) So cool.

  3. I'm going to have to call on St. Raymond soon --wonder if he will give me a boy like yours who cleans the vanity?

    1. Give 'em a bottle of vinegar and water solution and let those kidlets have at. No toxins and it disinfects and cleans wonderfully.
      Vinegar spray has been a wonderful addition to our family. lol
