Thursday, April 11, 2013

Theme Thursday - Grow


Many things grow in the Alexy Household. I mean, as long as you aren't looking for plants, those I kill with the swiftness that makes my children shed a tear or two. Sorry kids, momma didn't come with a green thumb...

But I do grow humans. And, overall, I don't do too bad of a job. I think... jury is still out on that probably.

But look at these cute little feet! Growing into momma's shoes!

That's Jules & Em. They like clopping around in my shoes. It's loud. But somewhat bearable, due to their cuteness. And they haven't broken a heel yet....

Speaking of growth, here's another growing human.
 (I needs to learn how to make fancy-schmancy picture collages...)

To the left we have Bambino #6 just starting to make his/her presence known, and to the right we have Bambino 33 weeks along. :) If that's not the epitome of growth... well, I'm not sure what else there is. 

Growing a human inside of yourself is such a blessing. You're challenged and tasked with the ultimate job of protecting and growing and sustaining life that has no other defense besides it's mother's love. Some say that life doesn't start at conception, I can't understand that thought process. I just can't. What else is there but life inside of your womb? It's creation at it's finest, it's God's hand reaching down and using you to create new life! It's a human life, programmed and stamped with his or her own set of personality traits and just waiting to show you all the wonderful things God has in store for the rest of your life. 

Is it always going to be easy? Heck to the No. Is it always going to be wonderful? If you look close enough you can see the wonderful mixed in with the crazy. The good that always is mixed in with the bad. Even when things are crap-crazy, you can see God's hand in your life and sheltering your family. At least, that's been our experience. And believe me, we've had some crap-crazy moments. Yet, we're still here, we're still provided for, we have a home, food, laughter, family.

God grows us. And we find shelter in Him. 

Now it's your turn! This Link Up is hosted over at Cari's page. Have fun! Talk about what Grow means to you, and see what all us other crazy peeps have to say about it. ;)



  1. Sometimes I think my daughter walks in my heels better than I do. Probably because her foot entirely fits in the flat part.

    Before you know it Bambino #6 will be clomping around in mommy or daddy's shoes!

  2. Love the shoe pics. What a great way to approach the theme. And your belly is beautiful. (no, that wasn't creepy. not creepy at all.)

    1. That was last week, right after this weeks theme was announced. I was all "a-ha!!!" and grabbed my uber-schmober fancy phone (... or not...) and clicked away. lol

      A belly that holds a baby is always beautiful. ;D So, yeah. As long as your not a skeezy old guy, you can always get away saying that to someone else. ;D

  3. Just gorgeous, all of it. Love your thoughts and beautiful pics, especially the littlest bambino.

    Check out pic for easy collages, learned that from our host Cari.

    1. ohhhh! Yes I'll definitely check that out! Thanks!

  4. All these beautiful, beautifully pregnant women! You are so, so gorgeous- all glorious with new life!

    1. :D :D

      I can't tell you how much I _love_ finding all these strong Catholic women with their large families. At 6 kids, and with the ages we have, we're about the biggest family in our community. I love finding other large families going through & experiencing what I experience!

  5. Oh, those shoes, adorable! And your belly--beautiful!

    1. Gotta admit, I stared at the bare belly pic for quite a bit before hitting Post. Couldn't decide if it was okay or not. But, ultimately, it showed the beginning of my seedling and was a good comparison to where we are now. :)

      I'm glad no one as been all 'Get your nekkid belly off m screen!' Lol

  6. Your belly is so SO cute! I totally have giant bare belly pictures on my blog - once you're pregnant, it's fair game, I say :P
