Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hello, Hi, Howdy-there, and all that other greeting type stuff.

So yes, I'm doing this. I'm sitting at my computer starting a blog. *Gasp!* *Shutter!*

I have no idea how this will go, I have no absolute plan as to what this whole mash-up will turn into. But basically - All the Cool Kids are Doing it. And see, here is where a witty professional-type Blogger would have Awesome Link of Awesomeness, but sadly. I failed my quick 2 minute search to procure one.


But moving on! Here's my drift, my reasoning, where I am and stand and all that good stuff.

I'm a stay at home mom of 5, soon to be 6. My husband works his tail off to provide for us. We just started home schooling this year, as the public school system is slightly terrifying and private school was getting to be a taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad crazy expensive.

As I said, we have 5 children. Our oldest is 9.5 and our youngest (besides bamino #6 due in late May) is 2. We've birthed the spectrum of births, including Hospital Births, Birthing Center Births, and Home Births. We've had Normal Births, Cockeye-Headed Births, Breech Birth, and a Posterior Birth. We're aiming to get back into that Normal Birth category... but as we're still Home Birthing, and in water at that, I think we no longer qualify for the stereotypical American 'Normal Birth'.

I Cloth Diaper. It saves us crazy amounts of money. I'm sure I'll let you know all about that also.

We are a Gluten Free household. Three of the 7 of us have Celiac Disease - my husband, our oldest, & our oldest daughter. We are strongly suspecting that numbers 3 & 4 also have it, or maybe 'just' a wheat allergy. So yes, I talk a lot about Gluten Free cooking, shopping, living.

We also have two Type 1 Diabetics in our house, my husband and (again) our oldest. So, I talk a lot about Blood Sugar, and Carb Counts and all things living with a child (and husband) with Diabetes.

Not to be left out our other son has a mild case of Asthma. It rarely acts up, and when it does I stare at him wondering "Is it asthma? Or is it just a cough? Do I treat? What the what??" I do not know enough about asthma treatment as I do diabetes. But that's something else I can go over one day.

Ahhh yes. And we're Catholic. My husband and I converted 5 years ago, leaving our Baptist Church and finding our way home. But again, another post for another day - I'm sure.

So there we have it. A pretty well-rounded idea of what I think about daily. Of what I do daily. So Imma' gonna be cool and blog about it now. I suppose... we'll see...

<<insert witty catch phrase exit line here>>
